VScore Settings and Anchors
Settings and configurations of the VScore Indicator.
VScore Settings and Anchors
The VScore originally released with the Sub Market Sonar class as a suite of indicators that included:
- ST_VProfile
- ST_VScore
Volume required:
VWAP, VScrore and VProfile are volume weighted calculations. No volume = no calculation. These indicators will not work on Forex or indexes like SPX with no volume.
End of day anchors
Daily chart
One year back to the 1st trading day of the year.
Start Date YYYYMMDD- Enter the start date in YYYYMMDD format.
If today is June 12 2019, then the VSCORE is Jan 1, 2019 (20190101)
The start of the new year bring new anchors.
For instance, if we are at the start of 2020, this means as best practice to anchor the yearly VScore to Jan 1 2019
Intraday anchors:
1-minute chart
7:00 ET
Anchor Time EST- Enter the start time EST in HHMM format.
Anchor Time- Enter the start time in local timezone in HHMM format.
Display Settings:
- Magenta Line- The current price with respect to the VWAP
- White central line- The mean (i.e. price is at the VWAP)
- Gray +1, -1 lines- One standard deviation stretch from the VWAP.
- Red/Grenn +2/-2 ;omes- Two standard deviations stretch from the VWAP.