Propulsion Dots – Settings
Change colors and settings to match Raghee’s chart.
How to set up the Propulsion Dots
Within your edit studies and strategies screen, your “ST_Propulsion” indicator should be on the “added studies and strategies” side.

Next, you will left click the settings button for the indicator.

Your “Customizing” window should be open now. From here you are going to make some adjustments so that the customization to your dots reflect on your screen.

Adjust the “short” and / or “long” ema periods. Adjust to your desire. In order for the dots to display in different colors on the charts, these number must be different per each Propulsion indicator.

You will also need to make a color adjustment in the “BuyStopDots” section. Feel free to select whatever color you desire.

You will also need to make a color adjustment in the “SellStopDots” section as well. Once complete click “OK”.

Repeat the same steps for any other propulsion dots that you desire on your chart.

Once complete your chart should reflect the colors you chose