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Trading Commodities, Stocks, and ETFs
With RH
Futures traders can supercharge their trading. You can have your pipeline full of opportunities when...

Is this a night for trading futures?
With Big Bad Voodoo Daddy
The S&P 500 came right back to our first support area right at the end...

SPX plan of action headed into tomorrow & Friday
With ST_ Neil
Tonight I discuss a potential ES/SPX support level with target objectives headed into tomorrow &...

Is this the bottom?
With RH
Looking at the NASDAQ and action at the Equator we have to ask is the...

What I am doing with a 7% SPX rally
With ST_ Neil
Over the course of a few short days the SPX managed to stage a 7%...

Hard To Get Higher
With HG
Volatility came in a good deal during the March expiration. With this recent contraction are...