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Markets are Pausing Construction
With HG
Homebuilders were one of the hottest sectors of the past 2 years, but the glow...

Four Ideas for Trades, No Indices!
With RH
Here are four—actually five—ideas for trade that have nothing to do with what the NASDAQ...

Q1 will soon be a wrap
With ST_ Neil
Last week of March & Q1 after a volatile start. As we near the end,...

TSLA Runs to the Fireline
With Big Bad Voodoo Daddy
News of a possible stock split spurred the stock to jump up at the open....

Entering the new quarter.
With Jack Roberts
This market definitely wanted to make some bears out of traders this week. Turns out—the...

The Next Big Decision for SPX
With HG
Stocks have seen some significant strength off the lows and while I'm not necessarily calling...