Saving my charts and settings in TOS exactly the way they are now.
I want to save all my charts and settings exactly as they are now and reload them anytime I want.
You may loose the work of creating those custom settings and need to re-do you efforts.
TOS has a setting to open charts and settings the way they were when you last used TOS, but it is not guaranteed to always be that way.
For example, perhaps you like to start trading with the exact same setup each morning, but during the day you change certain settings, symbols, etc.
To shortcut the work of resetting again is you can save your TOS workspace.
Please be aware that loading a saved workspace will re-load all charts and settings from the time you saved that workspace and all current charts and settings will be lost if not saved.
To preserve charts, grids, settings, etc. exactly as they are and recall them for later use, go to the top right corner of the TOS main window.
Left click on “Setup” and then select “Save Workspace as…
The name of your workspace will then be listed in the lower part of that same “Setup” drop down menu.
Left click on the name of your saved workspace to restore your complete setup with the watchlist columns.