Closing out a Multi-Leg Trade in TOS Mobile
Closing out a Multi-Leg Trade
Step 1
Go to Positions.
Click the arrow next to the trade you want to close, in this case, ORCL.
You will get a drop-down so you can see all of the options that make up the trade.
In this case, there are 4 of them.

Step 2
Check the boxes that are part of the trade.
In this case, there are 4 legs, so check all 4 boxes.
Once you do this, you will see the “Close Selected” pop-up.
Click that button.

Step 3
You will now see a lot of choices.
These are if you want to close out the entire trade at once or just parts of it.
In this case, I want to close out the entire trade at once, so I click the top selection.
Once I click it, the check mark appears.

Step 4
Then you will be taken to this screen.
First, do #1, where you put in your price.
It will automatically put in the current price (when I did this, the current price was .40)
I used the “minus” button to the left and clicked it until the price fell to .20.
You can also type in the price you want.
Once this is done, go to #2 and click confirm, which will send your order.
More dialog may ask you to confirm further.