NLV Management

Kody gives risk management tips to help traders maintain their account’s net liquidating value (NLV).

Networking and Trading Communities

Learn about various networking opportunities in the trading world, including Simpler Trading’s various trading communities, live conferences, and free webinars.


Discover how the Dollar relates to the basket of world currencies and how it signals bullishness and bearishness in the market.

Earnings Season Trades

Danielle introduces the three types of earnings trades, including the run into earnings trade, the overnight earnings trade, and the post-earnings trade.

Put Debit Spread

Explore put debit spreads, why traders use this strategy, and how the trade is structured.

Iron Condors

The iron condor is one of the oldest and most widely known strategies on Wall Street. Explore why the trade has been a staple of traders for decades and can be a consistent trade if used properly.

Bear Flags

Chris introduces what a bear flag is and shows examples of what this pattern looks like on a chart.

The Squeeze Setup

The Squeeze is our primary trading tool here at Simpler. Understanding how to recognize, read, and trade the Squeeze is vital to everything we do here at Simpler Trading.

Unbalanced Butterflies

Discover why and how Allison uses unbalanced butterflies uniquely to take advantage of various market conditions.