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Rollover, Round Two
With ST_ Neil
Trying the Rollover Trade again Monday morning on the bell with the same rules and...

S&P 500 Rally into resistance
With Big Bad Voodoo Daddy
The S&P 500 continued to rally for a third day today reaching resistance on strong...

Minor Lows in TSLA and S&P
With RH
After reaching oversold support and forming the minor low pattern, let's follow up on the...

The Rollover Gap Trade
With ST_ Neil
Tomorrow is the official rollover day for the equity index futures and this one has...

A Focus on SPX
With HG
The SPX has been in a near freefall for several sessions, but this critical ratio...

A weekly reversal pattern worth knowing.
With RH
The Dow 123 pattern is a classic, centuries-old pattern that I have been using for...