Simpler Daily Videos

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Henry Gambell Options Daily Video

The Impacts of $DXY

With HG

Dollar strength has been a key theme of this market for some time, but I...
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Henry Gambell Options Daily Video

Price before sentiment, but do watch sentiment.

With HG

On days that are as volatile as Thursday, there's always going to be something to...
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Raghee Simpler Futures

The Proof's in the Candle.

With RH

Today's rally can be explained by the recession models that are making the rounds. The...
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Kody Ashmore, Options

Are institutions selling NFLX?

With Kody Ashmore

It appears that institutions were selling near $250 & the trigger lower just hit....
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Neil Yeager Futures

All about the Bass, no Treble

With ST_ Neil

PPI was a fizzle/dud, speaking clearly to the amount of emphasis being placed on the...
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Raghee Simpler Futures

Price vs Volume Edge

With RH

Price without volume is incomplete. Here are two examples to show why being in a...
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John Carter Options Daily Videos

What Are The VIX and DXY Telling Us Here?

With John Carter

It's darkest just before the dawn . . . and also at the end....
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Henry Gambell Options Daily Video

Daily Squeezes in the Ag Markets

With HG

Bears remain in control of equities, but there are some slightly more favorable patterns in...
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Allison Options daily video

SPX another 200 points lower?

With Allison Ostrander

In this video, I talk about a potential bearish setup that could occur over the...
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Neil Yeager Futures

The What & When This Week

With ST_ Neil

It looks like it all kicks off Wednesday of this week when we get PPI...
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