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VIX Momentum Trigger Today
With RH
Whether it's the VX futures, VXX, or UVXY ETFs, the momo trigger has fired after...

Finding Favorable Volatility
With RH
Volatility has been returning to more predictable levels and this is great news for daytraders....

A Pattern In The Country Re-Openings
With RH
One of the major things happening this last week has been a gradual announcing of...

Building a Relative Performance Watchlist
With RH
This volatility means a trader needs to revisit their watchlist often and look for shifts...

Laggards in the Bounce
With RH
If you still have your analysis pointing to more downside (I do) and you are...

Lower Lows in Crude Oil
With RH
The production cuts in crude oil could not beat the hype and crude oil is...