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Volume and Volatility Entries
With RH
What is working as we start 2023? 1) Sticking with daytrading and 2) Focusing on...

Powell & CPI this week
With ST_ Neil
Last couple of weeks we've discussed preparing for the main event and that is this...

Feeder Cattle? Who watched Feeder Cattle?
With Big Bad Voodoo Daddy
The feeder cattle market could be setting up for a bear move. Here's what I'm...

Short covering rally to be continued for January expiry
With Jack Roberts
Pretty straightforward here folks, I tend to think of January as one of the most...

...And, they're off
With ST_ Neil
Wrapping up the first trading week of the new year. All in all okay, I...

Recapping the Close
With HG
It's hard to say what Monday looks like, but I know what Friday looked like...