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Is today's sell-off normal or an extreme?
With RH
The answer may surprise you! And it can also give you a better idea of...

Update On ES. 4/21/2021
With Tammy Marshall
If you are in our live trading room, you would've seen the timing for a...

Reflation Trade Idea: Long Soybeans
With RH
The grains continue to move but not all have been trading in a high quality...

Setup in WDC. 4/20/2021
With Tammy Marshall
You have two zones of risk in WDC. Always remember to wait for triggers....

ETF Alternatives to Futures Contracts
With RH
Sometimes the futures market can be too expensive, options too illiquid, or simply too scary,...

Pullback in SQ. 4/19/2021
With Tammy Marshall
SQ is a royal setup and we are too far away from the original setup...